Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I'm on Facebook now.

Well, I have joined the legions and now have a page on Facebook. Why I don't know... lol. It's not like I will actually check it that much or do anything on it really. I guess I have fallen into the ole "but everybody's doing it" thing. Actually, it's mostly Gross who told me to get one: he speaks, I obey. Boy, that is laughable. Seriously... I love technology and all the gadgets and gizmos of today. I like this blog and my myspace page, but do I actually really use them for any real purpose? No... just something to let people have a glimpse of my boring life I guess. Lol. So hot me up on Facebook if you want... now I'm there.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's the weekend!!!

Yah! The weekend is here... I love the weekend. Mine is not like everyone elses' since I have to work on Sat mornings but I have most of the day off. I love my Sundays! Everyone should be so blessed to have a wonderful church like I do. My pastor preaches the Word and I get the priviledge to teach some great little kids in Sunday School. I get to see my "family"... I so love the people at Christ Church. They are so encouraging to me. I get to see my friends... they are so much my strength and support. I get to worship God with other believers as we lift our voices in one accord. It's great!

Tonight after prayer we are going over to Chris' house for food and games. FUN STUFF...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

God is great!!!

Ok, I have to blog about this--- it's pretty personal to me but God MUST be praised. I have a friend from Bible college named BK. She was one of my dearest friends for about 10 years... she still is dear to me but now the friendship is pretty much gone. I became extremely close to her family too in that time- in fact, her younger sister Al is also a very, very dear friend to me. Their dad is an Assemblies of God minister now based in Albequerque. Because BK is super talented musically-- can play 3 instruments and is an amazing singer-- her Dad always had her doing worship and music wherever he was. When her folks moved to New Mexico, BK and her family did too- her family being her husband and 2 kids.

Two years ago, we had a mini-reunion in Dallas of about 10 girls that were all close in college. BK brought this woman with her and they acted very odd... the other ladies all were telling me things that had happened while I wasn't around and I got concerned. Now, out of the 10 of us there, only 3 were still serving the Lord. So I was leery of what some of them said but still concerned. Well, I confronted BK about this woman right before she flew home-- who she was, what she was to her, what did her husband think about their friendship... she cried and said I was being awful to her and how could I say these things. When the tears didn't work, she just lied. (I didn't know that at the time, but I do now) She said they were just friends and the other girls were overreacting and lying. Though Al and I still had our doubts, we desperately wanted to believe her, so we convinced ourselves we did.

Last year I got a call from Al-- BK had left her husband and had announced she was gay. At the time, she was doing worship at her Dad's church. It was devastating to everyone... I cried for days about it. This girl was like a sister to me and it was as if I didn't know her anymore. She cut almost everyone from her "past" off except her folks-- they got lucky because she needed babysitters. We have cried and prayed over her... her mom especially. BK and her girlfriend got into a "church" that teaches that homosexuality is okay and kept telling everyone that they were still Christians. We have really been upset over that... she knows better than that.

Here comes the good news--- BK's folks had written her a letter around Christmas. In it, they told her how much they loved her but couldn't accept her lifestyle and why. Unbeknownst to them, BK's live in girlfriend read the letter. We knew that the two of them had split around New Years but not why. This is why: the girl, Kat, read the letter and the Holy Spirit brought conviction on her. She and BK began fighting and broke up shortly thereafter. BK, out of spite, had Kat arrested and while sitting in a jail cell, God brought this letter back to her mind. That night, she asked forgiveness of her sins and turned her back on the life she had been living. Praise God! She wrote the parent's a letter the other day thanking them for what they had done... she has completely turned her life around and believes that the letter they wrote, though addressed to BK, was really written for her.

Praise God-- isn't that awesome???? Thank you Jesus for meeting us right where we are... you are so good. That renews my faith that BK is not lost-- she will be brought back to salvation and down to her knees. Hallelujah!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Tax Time

Well, I am doing my brothers' taxes this year- both of them. Normally I just do Ted's but this year Tim is in a bind financially and I said I would do his too. Well, can I tell you, I bit off a big ole bite with that offer. Ted's taxes are easy-- no dependants, standard deduction, easy. Mine more complicated but still not too bad. Tim is another story... yowza. He, depending on his ex-wife, he will either get $93, $1600, or $3200 back. Now I am waiting on her to get back with us on how she is gonna file Maddy... it would be so easy if she were reliable and honest. Alas, she's neither. Pray for me... I need it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Where is my lipstick??

OK, I know this is sooooo not a big thing, but I am so stressed that I cannot find my lipstick!!! A friend bought me some beautiful MAC lipstick the other day and I have lost it... and now I'm LOSING it. LOL. I think I dropped it at lunch on Sunday with D. I am so upset-- over a lipstick... I know that seems silly. It was such a sweet thing for her to do and now I feel so awful for losing it. Plus it was a great color. I am so sad... :( Yes, it's just a little thing, but it teaches me to be more careful with my stuff...

No, I'm not dead!!

So, I am finally blogging again. Yah for me! I hope all of you who chastised me for not blogging are happy. LOL.

Well, what's new? Hmmmm.... not alot. LOL. I finally got a laptop. I am starting back to school in the summer, doing online courses. I really feel like I need to get back on the ball-- finding my niche and doing what God put in my heart. I'm going to finally finish my degree in education and teach. Pray for me...

I spent V-Day with my family. My Daddy got me flowers and one piece of candy (long story) and both my folks got me beautiful cards. It was so sweet of them... I am so blessed to be loved.

That being said, I still can't help feeling alone and loserish on a day like Valentine's Day. Yes, I know that is not a word-- sue me. :) It is hard sometimes to be single and to be Godly. I love my pastor-- he really blessed me Sunday with his sermon about love, especially the part directed to single people. He reiterated my feelings and beliefs about Christians dating. It's hard to hear sometimes when you want to compromise but necessary to hear to live in a way pleasing to God.

Almost everyone I know thinks that I am almost insanely picky-- and I am. But when you watch family and friends relationships crash & burn, it's hard to just give your heart away or in my case, even open it up a little. I have such high standards and also very high walls built around my heart. I made a resolution this year to give love a chance-- to not turn down every guy that asks me out because they are too this or not enough that. I know that some of it is just fear. It's a problem, but one that I really am asking God to help me with. To be open to new people... And to not push them away when they get too close- that's a big one for me too. I do it every time-- I start pushing them away through my attitude and actions. Lord, help me to love and also, to let myself be loved... to not be afraid of giving my heart to someone.

That's enough for now. Blog you later...